Abichuela tuvo el buen gusto y la humanidad de regalármela en nochebuena junto con las otras dos gouden que conocemos, una copa de cristal para degustar y seis portavasos. Excelente cerveza, muy potente. En la etiqueta habla de esta cerveza especial, nutritiva para estos climas fríos y resguardar la salud de los aldeanos. Sobra decir que con tamaño regalo se ganó mi corazón para toda la eternidad. A continuación la ficha técnica:
2002, after 38 years, a tradition of making a Gouden Carolus Christmas beer was restored. And the response was astonishing from the beginning of the release.
Gouden Carolus Christmas is a strong dark ruby-red beer with character and a alcohol percentage of 10,5% Vol. It is brewed at the end of August. Then it rests for several months to obtain a optimal balance in taste and flavours. Specific herbs are added in the different stages of the brewing process. Three different kinds of hops, and 6 different kind of herbs and spices make this Christmas beer a ‘special class’.
Gouden Carolus Christmas is a top world beer. In 2004 Gouden Carolus Christmas won the Silver Award in the World Beer Cup, San Diego, USA in the “Dark Strong Ale” category.
Type of beer: Dark special beer
Lagering:2 weeks
Colour: Dark ruby-red
Conditionering:33 cl bottles
Alcohol: 10,5 % VOL 75 cl bottles
Kind of hops: Only Belgian hops
20 liter kegs
Wort extract: 22 PI 30 liter kegs
Ferment: High yearst
Minimum tenability: At least 2 years